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Welcome to

Our Lady of Fatima Church, White City

Church Schedule


Private/Individual Prayer only

Wednesday: 10am – 11.50 am; Fri 10-11am; 5-5.50pm; Sat 9.45-11am

​Monday: 9:15am

Tuesday: 9.15am

Wednesday: 7.30am & 12 noon

Thursday: 9.15am

Friday: 9.15am & 6pm

Saturday: 9.15am & 6.30pm

Sunday: 9am, 11am (also livestreamed) & 6pm

Parish Message

20th October
29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – Living a Life of True Service

In today’s Gospel Jesus continues to teach the disciples on the long road to Jerusalem what it really means to follow him. Even though he has just told them for the third time that he is going to be rejected and put to death in Jerusalem, James and John still ask him in private for a special favour – if they can have the two closest seats to him in glory, one on his right and one on his left. Imagine Jesus’ sadness – he has been trying to teach them that following him is all about self-sacrifice, serving others and humility and yet they still seem to be thinking in very selfish terms of the power and prestige they deserve for being his closest disciples. They just don’t get it!

It seems that the other 10 disciples were not much better – they were just angry that James and John had got their request in first! So Jesus explains once again with amazing patience/perseverance that being his disciple means totally rejecting the “way of the world” - ambition, being the “biggest and best” and raising yourself up by putting others down. They should do/be the exact opposite by making themselves like slaves to others – to support/help especially the weakest and most in need. As Jesus says so clearly: “Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant; and anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant; and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave to all.” For Jesus himself says, “I did not come to be served but to serve.” He could surely not have made it any clearer for them and for us what it really means to be his disciple.

If we are honest, these are lessons we all need to re-learn every day! Like the disciples, we learn them best in the family of the Church, bringing our daily lives as close as possible to Christ. In our prayer, our hunger for Scripture, our receiving of the Sacraments and in our service to each other we slowly learn the lessons of how to follow Christ.

With prayers - Fr Richard, Fr Ephrem and all the parish team.

“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

St. Maximillian Kolbe

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