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Welcome to

Our Lady of Fatima Church, White City

Church Schedule


Private/Individual Prayer only

Wednesday: 10am – 11.50 am; Fri 10.15-11am; 5-6pm; Sat 10-11am

​Monday: 9:15am

Tuesday: 9.15am

Wednesday: 7:30am & 12pm

Thursday: 09:15am

Friday: 9.15am & 6pm

Saturday: 9.15am & 6.00pm

Sunday: 9am, 11am (also livestreamed) & 6pm

Parish Message

12th January 2025
The BAPTISM of the LORD – New beginnings, New Life…

Today marks the end of our Christmastide journey in the parish as we celebrate Jesus coming forward no longer as a tiny baby but now as an adult man. After 30 hidden years of preparation, Jesus steps out of the crowd to be baptised by his cousin, John the Baptist. Although, just like in Bethlehem, not many people would have noticed this world changing event, John the Baptist was tuned into the ways of God and recognised the significance of this moment. His whole life had been dedicated to this event – heralding the coming of the promised Messiah. Most significantly of all, we could say that this was the moment when for the first time in human history God revealed himself as Trinity – three persons in one – in a way that people could experience through their senses. Those present on the banks of the river Jordan could have seen Jesus, the Son, in his human body being immersed in the water, then the Holy Spirit in the form of the dove hovering over him in the sky above, and they could have heard the voice of the Father proclaiming, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” So we move from the Holy Family of Mary, Joseph and Jesus at Bethlehem to the ‘Divine Family’ of Father, Son and Spirit at the Jordan.

2025 is also a very significant moment – for the whole Church it is a ‘Jubilee Year’ when Pope Francis invites us to travel together as ‘Pilgrims of Hope. And for our parish it is a special anniversary year - 70 years since Our Lady of Fatima parish was founded in White City and 60 years since our ‘new church’ was built. Our church is special ‘holy ground’ for us – our Bethlehem where we come to worship and welcome the infant Jesus as Saviour, our river Jordan where we are cleansed, renewed and brought to new life in union with the Holy Trinity... Through the gift of our baptism we share in the mission of Christ. How can we renew our parish and its mission this year?
New Year prayers & blessings - Fr Richard, Fr Ephrem & all the parish team

“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

St. Maximillian Kolbe

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