Welcome to
Our Lady of Fatima Church, White City
Church Schedule
Private/Individual Prayer only
Wednesday: 10am – 11.50 am; Fri 10.15-11am; 5-6pm; Sat 10-11am
Monday: 9:15am
Tuesday: 9.15am
Wednesday: 7.30am & 12 noon
Thursday: 9.15am
Friday: 9.15am & 6pm
Saturday: 9.15am & 6.00pm
Sunday: 9am, 11am (also livestreamed) & 6pm
Parish Message
24th November 2024
Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year. At every step of his journey, from the very moment he was conceived in the womb of a young woman from a poor and humble family, Jesus showed that he came into the world not to dominate us with power but to free us from sin and bring us back to God the Father. He is a king of love shown through service and self-sacrifice – a true king who dedicates himself to the good and growth of his people. In today’s Gospel, we see Jesus, not enthroned in power, but humbly standing his hands tied before Pontius Pilate, ready to suffer and give his life for his people.
What strikes me in this conversation between Jesus and Pilate is how Jesus has no concern for his own safety but instead tries to release Pilate from the world of political compromise and intrigue in which he has become trapped. Pilate was a soldier at heart – a very successful military commander who had been rewarded for his victories with a political office. But we sense that he would much rather return to the ‘honesty’ of the battlefield than be caught up in the intrigues of the palace. Jesus knows how to touch his conscience and it is only Pilate’s fear of appearing weak which stops him from following his instinct and releasing Jesus. Jesus, the prisoner, is the one who is truly free.
Pilate condemns Jesus to death, but Jesus does not condemn Pilate. Even at this eleventh hour, Jesus offers him a chance to show his true self. Yes, his true self because Jesus explains that his is a kingdom of truth- a kingdom not focused on winning more land and power but on the freedom of the human heart. Jesus shows us the truth about God, our loving and merciful Father; the truth of who we are as cherished children of God, brothers and sisters to each other; the truth which sets us free. Tragically Pilate chose not to live in this truth – how about us?
With prayers - Fr Richard, Fr Ephrem and all the parish team.
“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”
St. Maximillian Kolbe